English Cottage

I am pleased to present my "English Cottage", an oil on canvas painting. I guess we all dream of home; we live in the city but dream of an english cottage. The serene atmosphere sets the mood for this landscape painting. As the dawn light is slowly seeping up, the grey begins to fade and the vivid colors creeps from leaf to flower...

The technique that I have specialized and used on this painting is called wet-on-wet painting. Took almost a month from start to finish to create this work of art on stretched canvas. The clear sky with colorful trees set the backdrop for this scene. I took my own sweet time to get started with the cottage. 

Once I had planned on the composition, I decided to sketch the cottage with a ruler and pencil. Which was very unusual, because all my paintings are sketch free. My husband was very disappointed seeing clean straight lines and suggested to try free hand painting method as always. I'm happy it was the right decision as the outcome is a lot more natural then I thought. 

The focal point being this house, not to miss the decorative trim, stair rails and most importantly a verandah to sit on at night. Wish I could walk barefoot on the lawn while the dew is fresh with the sweet smell of the roses. The welcoming garden arbor with pink flowering vines and the elegantly delicate gladiolus and delphiniums on either sides of the pathway makes me feel heavenly. 


  1. Excellent. Welcome to blogosphere Amu.

  2. Love how the morning light filters through and the colourful garden, Amudha

    1. Thanks Jenny! Your keen observation is appreciated.


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