Abstract Oil Portrait

Being my first attempt with portrait painting, the style I chose is to create a visual experience instead of a realistic portrait. 

This abstract oil painting is created on a professional level heavy duty canvas sized 18 in x 24 in. Abstract portrait painting is open to interpretation and that's the soul beauty of it. It is more free and expressionistic with form, pattern, color, texture and tone. These qualities describe what the art looks like and how it is created. Examine the subject's expressions that conveys emotion. 

The secret to making sense of Modern Abstract Art is effortless. All it requires is an open mind and a big imagination. Look at it like listening to music. When we listen to music we don't hold on to the notes. Allow your eyes wander over the painting like a symphony that washes over your soul. 

Art is an experience
Just explore the artwork and see where it take you to understand the artist's view. Observe the unconventional color schemes and nonalignment that is made intentionally. These observations guides how thoughts and ideas are organized to the subject. I have incorporated some delicate detailing and some rough brushstrokes to view this art with different perspectives. 

I would love to know your vision about this particular art. Leave your views in the comment box please. Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. OMG...Amazing amudha. When you paint watching your posts gives me immense pleasure and happiness. Great my friend.....will visit you soon and see it in person.

  2. My doors will be open for you anytime. Meet you soon ;)


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